Cyberexorcism is a perfromance created in collaboration with five spanish Tik Tokers. The piece takes the Tik Tok app as its research base and aims to displace and/or exorcise the mechanisms and choreographic tools from the Internet to the stage. It is not about seeing the Internet as a diabolical phenomenon, as the word “exorcism” would suggest, but about exorcising – that is, expressing and squeezing – the images, mechanisms, corporalities and dances that we observe and experience through the Internet. The question is how to transpose them from this individual, flattened medium or body of the screen, placing them in the shared theatrical space. The object of exorcism is the soul, in this case the soul of the medium or body that is our mobile phone.
Millennials and generation Z are often described as individualistic or with little involvement in collective causes. This fact is explained (in a reductive way) as a cause-effect of the appearance of the Internet and social networks, linked to a DIY style of creation. This association eludes the social context that surrounds and builds the gaze of young artist and/or dancers (in the case of the cultural sector). Its impossible to dismiss the neoliberal mechanics proposed by the app, at the same time it is impossible to dismiss the democratization and hybridization of stiles and cultures it has brought to the dance field. The difficulty of generating long-term sustainable dance companies or collectives is not only due to ICTs or to an individualistic/narcissistic condition of the new generations. Is due to hectic rates of production and performance. To a fragmented and accelerated experience of time and space. To the bureaucratic demand that falls on the “self” enthusiastic and multiple-employee. A “self” that infinitely slides its finger on a screen while looking for and inventing ways to continue, reverse and transform the unattainable standards on which it sees itself projected.
C Y B E R E X O R C I S M (site specific)
In Cyberexorcism (site specific) we bring the performance to a public space. We take the Tik Tok app as the base of our research and its body language as a new digital folclore or ritual. What would happen if we would give a physical, shared and public space to these dances? Cyberexorcism (site) proposes to extract or exorcise the contents and dances from the virtual and flattened body of the screen to the shared and public space such as a town square or others non conventional spaces (museums, libraries, halls ...). With this exorcism we ask ourselves what are the differences in sharing dance through physical spaces vs virtual ones? Do they generate changes in the way we generate community?
Trailer Cyberexorcism (𝘚𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤)
Direction Núria Guiu / Choreography Núria Guiu in collaboration with the dancers Mauro Cyan, Berta Pascual, Francesco Palmitesta, Berta Martínez, Carlos G. Corchia / Choreographic assistance Salva Sanchis and Glòria Ros / Space and costume design Lola Belles and Víctor Colmenero / Light design and technical coordination Jou Serra and Toni Morales / Music and sound design Daniel Moreno Roldán, Adrià Juan and Alebert Tarrats / Production 2021 Haizea Arrizabalaga and Aixa Gonález / Production 2022 Ariadna Miquel / Acknowledgements: Conchita Pons, Anna Serrano, Laura Moran, La Cadera les Corts, Sergio Roca.
Co-production: Mercat de les Flors, centre de cració i arts vives Graner de Barcelona, La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne, ICI – CCN Montpelliere. The Hessisches Staatsballett in the context of the Tanzplattform Rhein-Main
With the support of: international residency/mentoring program of the Institut Ramon Llull and Festival Dansa València.
Upcoming performances: here
Past performances:
10/04—> PRE-PREMIERE Festival Dansa València
6-8/05—> PREMIERE Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (Sp)
30/07/22 —> Festival Dansáneu (Site Specific) (Sp)
3-4/11/22 —> Tanz Festival Rhein-Main, Mousonturm, Frankfurt (De)
13/11/22 —> Temporada Alta, Teatre Canal, Girona (Sp)
18/11/2022 -> Parel·lel 62.Culturopolis24, Barcelona (Sp)
24/11/2022 -> Festival Femme in Arts (Site Specific), Lo Pati, Amposta (Sp)
5/05/2023 -> Festival Límbic(Site Specific), Sitges (Sp)
25/06/2023 -> Teatre Principal de Mallorca (Sp)
21-23/04/2023 -> Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (Sp)
28/04/2024 -> Teatre Vilanova (sp)
2/03/2024 -> Dansa Metropolitana (Site Specific), Tecla sala Hospitalet, Barcelona (Sp)
29/01/2024 -> Jornada "Salut Mental i Jo" (Site Specific), Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona (Sp)
5/07/2024 -> Festival Per amor al Hart, Hospitalet, Barcelona (Sp)