Photo Astrid Westvang
Nuria Guiu / Ingri Fiksdal
MEDIUM is a ghost performance in which Núria Guiu dances to the music of Stephen O’Malley/SUNN O))). The performance is about how the body is haunted by movements from personal, cultural and virtual archives. The ghost is partly a metaphor for movements from other times and dimensions that return and take up residence in our bodies, but it is also understood as the act of creating in itself, from the invisible realm to its physical manifestation into a performance, which is invoked or brought to life after its creative process death.
The performance is a joint creation of choreographers Ingri Fiksdal (Oslo) and Núria Guiu (Bcn). The musical arrangement and spatialization are by Stephen O'Malley, a member of the legendary black metal group Sunn O))) with music from their album Pyroclasts. Costume and space design are by Ronak Moshtaghi, and lighting by Phillip Isaksen.
Traces of dances from personal, cultural and virtual archives are quoted* in the performance**. The dances have been haunting or embodied by Fiksdal/Guiu between 1987 and 2022 and are referenced accordingly: Name of maker or source, Title (year of premiere), (year of embodiment or haunting)
Ruth St. Denis, East Indian Nautch Dance (1944), (2016)
YouTube channel JStuStudios, Floss (2014), (2019)
Carmen Amaya, Los Tarantos (1963), (2006)
Kobalt Works/Arco Renz, MAD (2010), CRACK (2011), DUST (2011), COKE (2014), Hanoi Stardust (2014) and EAST (2015), (2010-15)
Jennie Livingstone, Paris is Burning (1990), (2013)
Sharon Eyal, Killer Pig (2009), (2009)
Michel Fokine, Les Sylphides (1893), (1999)
Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot, Giselle (1841), (1999)
DV8/Lloyd Newson, Enter Achilles (1995) and The Cost of Living (2003), (2003)
Pina Bausch, Café Müller (1978), Nelken (1982) and Die Klage der Kaiserin (1990), (2002)
Tiktok, Chicken Teriyaki challenge and Tot* challenge (2022), (2022)
Ultima Vez/Wim Vanderkeybus, Blush (2002), (2003)
ROSAS/Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker, Fase (1982), (2004)
Mary Wigman, Hexentanz (1914), (2012)
Graham technique (developed approx. 1930-50), (2001-04)
Martha Graham, Lamentation (1930), (2005)
Xavier Le Roy, Self Unfinished (1998), (2000)
Jiří Kylián, Bella Figura (1995), (1999)
Loie Füller, Serpentine dance (1891), (2006)
Isadora Duncan, The Blue Danube (1905), (1987)
Glen Tetley, The Tempest (1980), (2012)
Concept, channelling and performance: Núria Guiu Concept and channelling: Ingri Midgard Fiksdal Music: Pieces from the “Pyroclasts” album of SUNN O))) Spatialization: Stephen O´Malley Costume and set: Ronak Moshtagi Light: Phillip Isaksen Sound techician: Ernst van der Loo Dramaturgy: Guiu, Fiksdal, Isaksen, Moshtagi Costume and set design assistant: Zoya Tahery Photo: Kristine Jacobsen Production and distribution: Nicole Schuchardt and Ariadna Miquel Production and administration: Eva Grainger and Ida Frømyr Borgen Produced by: Fiksdal Dans Stiftelse Supported by: Arts Council Norway
PREMIERED: 16-17 SEPTEMBER 2022. Black Box, Oslo, Norway.
Upcoming performances: here
Past performances:
16-17/09/22 —> Black Box Theater, Oslo. (Nor)
13-14/10/22 —> Brut Wien, Vinna (Aut)
29/10/22 —> Oktoberdans 2022, Bit Teatergarasjen, Bergen (Nor)
29/09/23 & 01/10/23 —> Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (Sp)